Pool Games will be 60 minutes finish the inning (weather permitting).
Elimination Games will be 65 minutes finish the inning (65 minutes Championship Games).
Game balls will be provided.
Team Awards & Individual Awards to 1st & 2nd place teams.
Please bring us your team entry fee ($280)(8U $180) CASH or CASHIER'S CHECK ONLY (NO PERSONAL CHECKS OR TEAM CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED), signed roster, & copy of your team insurance before your first game. The Tournament Director will be available to check your team in.
Please have a copy of your birth certificates on hand.
The Gate will be $10.
MVP SPORTS reserves the right to deny access to any individual or group that we deem as harmful or not in the best interest of our events.
We realize you have a choice of where to play and we appreciate you playing with MVP this weekend!!!!!!